MOXI YEAR END REVIEWMOXI founder Wallace Morgan reflects on the past and looks expectantly towards the future as the decade comes to an end.
MOXI MAG ISSUE FOUR: A Community of CollaboratorsWith the arrival of issue four we round out the first year of MOXI. In Issue One we stated a philosophy of collaboration and sought to prove
MOXI MAG Issue Three: An Upward DialogueMOXI MAG Issue Three seeks to educate, infatuate, inspire and intrigue as to spark an "Upward Dialogue." What does that mean? We w
MOXI MAG Issue Two: Inciting MomentumMOXI MAG is a brain-child born from the notion that "connecting creative people and sharing art is fruitful work." We operate on t
Welcome to MOXI MAG !!Welcome to MOXI MAG where creatives collaborate. The hope is to connect people in a mutually beneficial way. May we energize one another in